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(2 edits)

I got this in a bundle, I think actual years ago? Just randomly downloaded it today while trying to take my mind off some stuff and it really hit the spot. Very silly no pressure fun, lots to explore, and there wasn't anything TOO difficult here but it still required some amount of thinking.

I got a near perfect ending, Dogg matched evenly with his rival Shitt. I think I was only lacking costumes for the monkeys, but it was late and I wanted to sleep so I just ended the game then rather than scouring for more gold.

Only one taxpayer eluded me, that is one lucky ass little serf.

....I really do need to go back and try out some of the sillier options later though, I played it pretty straight this time around.

I embarked on a one man crusade to clean up the streets, executing the piles of stinking refuse.

Later I was accused of tyranny by pro-poo sympathizers, and assassinated by the families of the 'victims'. I don't know if this means I was smothered by a manure cart or assaulted by a hog anus, but I challenge anyone to find a better King who has personally done more for the people. (I mercifully pardoned the one that had gold hidden inside it of course, nothing about my rule was unjust!)

I found this game really enjoyable ^^

This was a really fun game, the first 5-10 minutes felt awful as I figured out the controls, but once I got a hang of it it became a really fun sandbox to go around, do different things and see how people react, explore, and do quests. Did 3 different playthroughs, with one perfect summit.

Any tips on what to do when this happens? I really enjoyed the game, but now I can't play TwT




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This game is insanely good. I got it in the Ukraine bundle and played for days obsessively until I made my rival weep (and then killed him in bloody war- thanks historical mode!!) 100/10, please play it ASAP


I felt I should leave my review here too as it deserves it:


I really really really - enjoyed this game. From start to finish. I did not expect it to be a collect them all type of game. It was a delight. The story was good too despite how it was a sandbox. Thank you for adding multiple flavour text depending on if you married+divorced an object.

i may have sent a few people to the execution line by accident 

That old song's finally coming in hand

Just got this via the Ukraine bundle, and it looks interesting. I was wondering though, is there a way to run this game in windowed mode?


Hey hey, there *is* which I only know because I accidentally booted into it at one point but I don't actually know how I did it rip. If you figure it out lmk lol

(1 edit)

That was quite an experience, As king Edgelord (with my beautiful wife Edgelass) I went around reforming churches and ordaining horses and I got a choir too, great stuff! My rival Doofus didn't like the summit though...


My Steam acc is limited so I can't ask on the community page there... how to acquire beggar's clothes? So peasants can finally gossip with me.


I'm a year late but if you go all the way to the top of the northwest tower there's a prisoner you can (f)orgive, and then if you visit them at the broken down home in the town they'll give you the beggar's clothes

I'm another year late, but you can also collect taxes from them and they'll give you the clothes.


Does anyone know of a guide for the treasure chests? I'm missing one and I've already found the hard to spot ones I've seen mentioned elsewhere. I've been over everything twice and it's really irking me that I can't find the last on



Any possibility for Linux port?

I've done pretty well with downloading the Windows version, and running wine on the Fit For A King exe.  I'm running on Xubuntu, but it should at least work on any Ubuntu (possibly any type of Debian but don't quote me on that).


Yeah, I thought that, but I'm not sure I want the hassle. I don't even have Wine installed and I would prefer to avoid it.

(1 edit) (+1)

I actually thought this was a NEW Ultima. Im so shocked, it brings me back to the old Ultima II and III days. Work very well done!!! Game is amazing!!! When OSI made Ultima into a doom like game, they lost me forever. I thought work like this would never be seen again! I actually passed this by when my mouseover quickly showed a brief glimpse of the game. It was enough to make me actually look at the video, to be flooded with past memories of RGs Ultima series. Movement, predefined graphics, boat battles, I quickly clicked the pay and download button in fear that this game would vanish and Id wake up to garbage games of these days. Final fantasy went the doom look as well and lost me as well. Whoever the author is of this game, dont ever change!!! This masterpiece is what so many have been striving to relive, and you did a beautiful job!


Richard Garriott approved! :D Right? Right? Right? :D

I can't even recall the last time I saw a game that looked this good.  Seriously, the NES / EGA Ultima graphics are phenominal.

I love the old CRPG style of screen and commands!



:O I want this game now, can't wait! ;)

Woo hoo first post. but in all seriousness looks like fun